Alexey Klokov, an internationally recognized artist with 25 years of professional experience, exhibited his Collection of Suggestive Abstract & Abstract Moderne paintings at ArtExpo New York 2017, the world’s largest fine art trade show. The exhibition took place at ArtExpo’s Booth at Pier 94.
Klokov’s paintings are widely represented in private and corporate collections all over the world, and has exhibited in Russia, Austria, Japan, the UK, USA and Canada. Some of the notable and celebrity collectors include: Silvio Berlusconi, Hillary Clinton, the family of Emir of Qatar, Tony Blair, Condoleezza Rice, Madeleine Albright, Boris Johnson, Quentin Tarantino, Emir Kusturica, Patrick Swayze, Paco Rabanne, and Marwan Chatila.
Alexey Klokov, a second generation artist, was born in 1965 in Russia. The impetus to navigate his own way in the world of art was attributable to his first teacher – the famous avant-garde artist of 20th century Anatoly Zverev. Certified in 1991 as an artist and art restorer by the Saint Petersburg Higher School of Art and Industry, Alexey worked in the restoration workshops of the Hermitage (Saint Petersburg) and Tretyakov Gallery (Moscow). As he was literally “in touch” with the masterpieces of the world’s great artists including Van Gogh, Matisse, Picasso and others, Alexey created the opportunity to learn from them “without words”. In 1994 Alexey Klokov took residence in a monastery devoting himself to icon-painting. There he explored the secrets of gilding and the great power of symbolism embodied in the image. After four years of consistent work he achieved the confidence to embark on his own artistic career.
The theme of his first exhibition in 1998 in Moscow was an expression of his monastery experience. His special guest of honor, designer Paco Rabanne, deeply connected with the spirituality of Alexey’s artworks and purchased the first two pieces for his collection. Since then the artist’s paintings have been widely exhibited throughout Russia and abroad including the USA, Japan, the UK and Austria. The arrival of his exclusive agent and wife Naira Velumyan to Canada has introduced North American audience to his new collection of enamel on linen paintings named “Suggestive Abstract”. The art embodies an uniqueness that is simultaneously suggestive and subliminal, and reveals many shapes and forms of meaning, which is subject to a personal interpretation.
For more information about Alexey Klokov, visit:
For Alexey Klokov paintings, please visit:
To watch his exhibition in Toronto:
To watch his documentary:
Facebook: alexeyklokovart |Twitter: @alexeyklokovart
When viewing this latest selection of “Suggestive Abstract” by Alexey Klokov (enamel on linen), it is easy to be disarmed by the simplicity of each overall composition. The viewer glances at the work, notes the non-geometric shapes almost natural in form and goes on to move through the gallery. However, there is always something! A “gravitational pull” that halts the viewer in their tracks!
Even at a casual glance, it is plain to see a delicate interplay between two points which cause eagerness across the picture plane. This eagerness creates a visual challenge for the eye to solve! In the words of Naira Velumyan, the agent of the artist, Klokov works specifically to create a dialectic which in this case takes the form of the organizational structure of the painting being over-lapped by the whimsical improvisation.
In some of the artwork, the accidental forms taken by the poured enamel, play out across broad color fields contained for the most part in organic shapes dominating the composition. They create a veritable playground for the eye to dance across, always paying attention to but never overlooking the wider form of the piece. In other paintings the entire composition is far more structured and sedate in terms of image portrayal and line quality. Nevertheless, the vibrancy of the artist’s palette halts the viewer and ignites a rapturous delight!
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Each year thousands of art industry insiders flock to Artexpo New York in search of the art and artists that will shape trends in galleries worldwide. Hosting more than 25,000 avid art enthusiasts annually, Artexpo New York is the largest international gathering of qualified trade buyers—including gallery owners and managers, art dealers, interior designers, architects, corporate art buyers and art & framing retailers. For thirty-nine years and counting, Artexpo New York has been changing the way people buy and sell art. Their annual, juried expo brings the biggest publishers, galleries and collectors face to face with hundreds of established and emerging artists. In short, Artexpo New York is the world’s largest fine art marketplace.
For more information about Artexpo New York, visit:

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